Frequency scanning is a noninvasive, no blood drawn method that shows imbalances in the body before they manifest in blood tests, your physical, mental, and emotional states, and more. This is health on the quantum level!
SOLEX is the amazing company behind the AO Scan App that offers countless products to help expedite your healing. By working with Temna, you’ll have access to these products at wholesale cost!
Can’t my body just detoxify artificial sweeteners, colors, preservatives, additives, and chemicals on its own?
Yes! The body is an amazing machine and has the capability to detoxify. However, because of lifestyle habits and the environment, it can slow down the body’s ability to keep up with the load of toxins. The body gets overwhelmed, overloaded, and burdened.
It is a good idea to work together with Temna. She will work with you to smooth out the detox process.
Because herbs are neither a chemical or synthetic. Herbs are all natural and more bioavailable. They are plants that provide nutrients for the body. Some herbs are more potent then others so it is advised to seek the suggestions of a natural health professional during use.
Why put good gas in your car? You want it to run well. It is the same for your body you need healthy nutrient-filled foods for your body to run at its optimal health potential.
“Water is life. Without water the body can’t survive more than three days.”
Your body needs to be hydrated to 1. maintain healthy fluid levels, 2. to detoxify and support kidney functionality, 3. to transport nutrients from our foods and supplements all around the body.
The following constitute water/fluid intake:
To help the body move toxins. This can be likened to a person who does not exercise and does not move – their body and functionality of their systems will become stagnant and they will become a perfect host for bacteria, parasites, and toxins, which in time turn to symptoms and disease.
The oxygen that goes into a moving bubbling brook prevents bacteria from growing by promoting movement and not being stagnant. It is the same with our bodies – when we exercise, we are bringing in oxygen, increasing blood flow, and bringing nutrients to weak/injured areas. All of which helps with detoxification, clean tissues, clean cells, and a clean body, and keeps the body happy and functioning properly.
Tell yourself you are doing “therapeutic movements” instead of the word “exercise”.
FACT: JAMA states that every American needs to supplement their diet. Necessary minerals are depleted from our soil which cause the foods we eat to not have their full nutritional potential. Therefore, the consumer needs to supplement to make up what nutrients are lost in the foods we eat.
For example: You would have to consume 4 cups of spinach daily to equal the daily recommended amount of calcium which is 1000 mg. Whereas you could supplement calcium with 1-2 tablets per day.
Another point to consider is, you might already have a micro-nutrient deficiency that needs to be supplemented. Supplements can fill in the gaps until your body can catch back up. It’s like giving a car a jump start. The car has a battery but if the battery dies you need to give it a jump start.
With the exception of Red Raspberry Leaf tea or Yarrow, Temna suggests not to take any green plant herbs. These herbs contain Vitamin K which is a clotting agent. Supplements are fine unless otherwise suggested by your medical practicioner.
Anywhere from 1 day to 5 days; it really depends on the person. It depends upon how intuitive you are with your body, how diligent you are with your program, and it depends on each body, each case. Please feel free to reach out to Temna if you have any questions along the way.
During this process of regeneration, lasting about 10 days to several weeks, the body will have days of vibrant energy and “feel good” and a few days in between when the body doesn’t feel so well. Why?
When the body “feels good” it now has the strength and “ammunition” to get rid of unwanted toxins that can cause symptoms and disease.
Drink plenty of water and rest on these days, to flush out these toxins so they don’t cycle back into the system and create some of the following symptoms:
Headaches, fever, chills, colds, flu-like symptoms, sinus drainage, mucous, diarrhea, constipation, skin eruptions, fatigue, sluggishness, irritability, depression, frequent urination, etc…
Suddenly you feel better than you’ve felt in years! As the body becomes pure, you will reach your optimal health potential.
Client Support Hours:
Monday – Thursday 9am – 3pm (EST)
Phone: 704-368-4447
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*Disclaimer: The information contained in this website is intended for educational personal use and not for the practice of any healing art, except where permitted by law. No representation contained in these materials is intended as medical advice and should not be used for diagnosis or medical treatment. The AO Scan is not an FDA approved device.